Inside the Tangled Bank of Arthropods


We unravel the molecular-genetic mechanisms of hybrid dysfunction, herbivory, and pesticide resistance. One of the major research lines dissects the mechanistic underpinnings of symbiont-host interactions. We use interdisciplinary approaches to study the molecular architecture of these complex traits.





It has been a brilliant week!


Our comparative genomics manuscript on symbiotic Ca. Tisiphia was published in Nature Communications, work that was spearheaded by Helen and Stefanos (click here for more!). In addition, our study that identifies and dissects intraspecific host modulation of Wolbachia-mediated CI was also published in Evolution Letters. Here, we uncover that spider mite males and females control different features of CI and confirm that the evolution of reproductive parasitism is contingent on host genetics (click here for more!). Next week, our work with Jens Zarka and Thomas Parmentier on intersexuality in Porcellio isopods will also be published!


Lennert Beele also defended his excellent thesis on Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities and Wolbachia-induced CI in Tetranychus urticae and Tetranychus cinnabarinus.


Tomorrow, I’m going to Montpellier for a week of meetings and pilot experiments (and hopefully some wine and cheese too!).