Inside the Tangled Bank of Arthropods


We unravel the molecular-genetic mechanisms of hybrid dysfunction, herbivory, and pesticide resistance. One of the major research lines dissects the mechanistic underpinnings of symbiont-host interactions. We use interdisciplinary approaches to study the molecular architecture of these complex traits.




Summer is over and I sampled my last T. urticae field population yesterday in the Beisbroek forest near Brugge.

I am very proud to announce that Masoumeh’s PhD thesis has been approved by the Doctoral Committee and that her doctoral defence ceremony will take place on November 17th at 15:00. Unfortunately, due to travel restrictions, the ceremony will mostly be virtual without in-person interactions. But everyone will be able to follow the procedures via a livestream!

Some weeks ago, I finished Martin Brasier’s truly excellent book Darwin's Lost World where he very clearly outlines the recent scientific discoveries and theories on the Cambrian explosion. The author also recounts his own wonderful personal research history and takes you to various remote locations across the globe where his key findings were made.