Inside the Tangled Bank of Arthropods


We unravel the molecular-genetic mechanisms of hybrid dysfunction, herbivory, and pesticide resistance. One of the major research lines dissects the mechanistic underpinnings of symbiont-host interactions. We use interdisciplinary approaches to study the molecular architecture of these complex traits.




When screening meadows and grassy patches for Bryobia populations, I typically meet different arthropod species. Spiders, springtails, aphids, ants and even the occassional weevil find their way into my white tray. Yesterday, something slightly bigger fell into my tray; a salamander. Only when my face was merely 10 cm removed from the tray, ready to screen for Bryobia mites, did I notice the lively vertebrate and got quite startled. Imagine looking for small rodents, but finding an elephant in your catch. Although absolutely not sure, I think it's a female palmate newt (Lissotriton helveticus).